What Is the 12-3-30 Workout?

What Is the 12-3-30 Workout?




From Kourtney Kardashian’s weight loss postpartum to taking TikTok by storm, the 12-3-30 workout is everywhere.

What is 12-3-30 diet?

It’s not a date!

The 12-3-30 refers to the amount of activity, duration, and intensity!

Let’s get the skinny on what is the 12-3-30 workout.

What Is the 12-3-30 Workout?

The 12-3-30 workout gained popularity on social media, particularly TikTok and Instagram. It’s known for its simplicity and potential effectiveness in improving cardiovascular fitness and aiding in weight loss.

Kourtney Kardashian made the diet a focal point when she returned to the gym after having her fourth bay.

Here’s how the 12-3-30 workout typically works:

  • Set the treadmill incline to 12%.
  • Adjust the treadmill speed to 3.0 mph.
  • Walk at this incline and speed for a total of 30 minutes.

The key is to maintain the 12% incline and 3.0 mph speed throughout the entire duration. This combination is believed to intensify the workout, leading to a higher calorie burn compared to regular flat-surface walking.

Many people appreciate the 12-3-30 workout for its straightforward nature and time efficiency. It offers a simple yet effective way to engage in cardiovascular exercise, making it accessible for individuals at various fitness levels.

However, keep in mind that the effectiveness of any workout can vary from person to person. It’s crucial to choose exercises that align with your fitness goals and physical condition. As fitness trends evolve, it’s recommended to check more recent sources for updates on the 12-3-30 workout or related fitness routines.

No wonder Today calls it the workout for the treadmill.

Before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have underlying health concerns or conditions, consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider. A health/medical professional can provide personalized advice based on your individual needs and circumstances.

12-3-30 Workout Benefits

Here is a list of potential benefits for the 12-3-30 workout.

Remember, it’s necessary to consult with a professional before doing a physical workout or regime.

1. Efficient Calorie Burn:

  • The 12-3-30 workout, with its combination of a 12% incline and 3.0 mph speed, is designed to intensify the walking routine, leading to a higher calorie burn within a shorter timeframe compared to traditional flat-surface walking.

2. Cardiovascular Health Improvement:

  • Regular engagement in the 12-3-30 workout can contribute to enhanced cardiovascular health. The increased intensity prompts the heart to work harder, improving overall cardiovascular endurance over time.

3. Weight Management:

  • The workout’s focus on calorie expenditure and fat burning makes it a valuable tool for individuals looking to manage or lose weight. Consistent participation may contribute to a healthier body composition.

4. Accessibility for All Fitness Levels:

  • The simplicity of the 12-3-30 workout makes it accessible for individuals at various fitness levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, the routine can be adapted to suit different capabilities.

5. Time-Efficiency:

  • With a duration of just 30 minutes, the 12-3-30 workout is time-efficient. This makes it an attractive option for individuals with busy schedules who seek a quick yet effective exercise routine.

6. Mental Well-being:

  • Engaging in regular physical activity, such as the 12-3-30 workout, can positively impact mental well-being. The release of endorphins during exercise may contribute to reduced stress and improved mood.

7. Consistency and Routine Formation:

  • The simplicity and structure of the 12-3-30 workout make it conducive to forming consistent exercise habits. Establishing a routine is essential for long-term fitness success.

8. Versatility in Treadmill Usage:

  • The 12-3-30 workout maximizes the utility of a treadmill, providing a focused and effective exercise option for individuals who prefer indoor workouts or face limitations in outdoor accessibility.

9. Social Media Community Engagement:

  • The workout’s popularity on social media platforms creates a sense of community. Individuals sharing their experiences and progress can foster motivation and a supportive environment for those undertaking the 12-3-30 routine.

10. Low Impact Nature:

  • Walking on an incline at a moderate speed is a low-impact exercise, making the 12-3-30 workout suitable for individuals with joint concerns or those who prefer exercises that are gentle on the body.

While the 12-3-30 workout offers various potential benefits, it’s essential to consider individual fitness goals and consult with healthcare professionals or fitness experts before starting any new exercise regimen.

12-3-30 Workout Results

We scoured the internet for 12-3-30 workout results and we got mixed reviews.

A contributor to EatingWell said the workout hurt the joints.

Similarly, a contributor to Tom’s Guide found the workout to be tiring.

What do you think?

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