Tom Holland Diet And Workout

Tom Holland Diet And Workout


Tom Holland swung into the hearts of millions when he starred in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

He also swung into the heart of Euphoria actress Zendaya.

P.S. Zendaya’s diet and workout routine — that’s another story.

Do you want to know Tom’s secret to chiseled abs?

In order to get in shape for Spider-Man: Far From Home, Tom had six weeks to pack on the muscle. 

Luckily, he had a pretty awesome assistant. Tom worked with personal trainer and physical therapist George Ashwell to get in amazing shape.

And if you want the specifics, look no further!

Here’s the skinny on some of Tom Holland’s diet and exercise secrets.

Tom Holland Diet

Tom follows a disciplined diet and exercise regimen to stay in shape and perform at his best. 

Parts of his diet include lean protein, complex carbs, and overall solid nutrition.

Let’s get the skinny.

Eating Lean Protein

Tom understands the importance of including lean protein sources in his diet. Protein helps repair and build muscles, and it also promotes satiety.

He incorporates foods like chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, tofu, and legumes into his meals to ensure an adequate protein intake.

Choosing Complex Carbohydrates

Instead of relying on simple carbohydrates that can cause spikes in blood sugar levels, Tom opts for complex carbohydrates. Foods like whole grains, sweet potatoes, quinoa, and brown rice provide a steady release of energy and are packed with essential nutrients and fiber.

Prioritizing Whole Foods

Tom follows a clean eating approach by focusing on whole, unprocessed foods. He avoids or minimizes processed and packaged foods that are often high in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and preservatives.

Instead, he opts for fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds to fuel his body with essential nutrients.

Staying Hydrated

Hydration is essential for overall health and optimal physical performance. Tom makes sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. He avoids sugary beverages and opts for water, herbal tea, and occasionally, natural fruit juices.

What Does Tom Holland Eat in a Day?

Tom’s Spider-Man diet was intuitive, with lean protein, leafy vegetables and good carbs.

Tom’s trainer told Men’s Journal that Tom’s eating doubled for Spider-Man.

  • two fist-sized portions of protein (chicken or fish)
  • two fists of carbs (faro or quinoa)
  • two fists of greens (kale or spinach)

Tom Holland Workout Routine

Tom Holland selfie
Photo : Tom Holland / Instagram

Tom Holland’s workout routine changes depending on whether he is filming.

Roles like Spiderman require Tom to step up the intensity.

Weight Training

Tom incorporates weight training into his workout routine to build strength and develop a toned physique. Weightlifting exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows help him build muscle mass and increase his overall strength.

Functional Training

Alongside weightlifting, Tom focuses on functional training exercises that mimic movements he may perform in his daily life or during filming. Functional exercises like lunges, planks, burpees, and kettlebell swings improve his overall strength, stability, and coordination.

HIIT Workouts

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a favorite of Tom’s for burning calories, boosting cardiovascular fitness, and improving overall stamina. HIIT workouts typically involve short bursts of intense exercises followed by brief recovery periods.

Ample Recovery

Recovery is an essential component of any effective workout routine. Tom understands the importance of rest days to allow his muscles to repair and rebuild.

He prioritizes getting enough sleep and incorporates active recovery activities such as stretching, foam rolling, and yoga into his routine to enhance recovery and prevent injuries.

Consistency and Variety

Tom maintains a consistent exercise routine to see progress and maintain his fitness level. However, he also understands the value of variety in workouts to challenge his body and prevent plateauing.

Mixing up exercises, intensity levels, and training modalities keeps his workouts interesting and ensures continuous improvement.

Spider-Man Workout Circuit 

The Spider-Man Workout Circuit has four exercises and you must do it five times. The first round is a warmup, which means you can ease your way into it.

Make sure that you rest for 30 seconds between each exercise. As you will learn, rest and recovery are key to the Spider-Man workout.

In addition, Tom’s instructor recommends one minute of mobility movements which work to prime the joints before and between each round. The mobility movements are known as Functional Range Conditioning.

Ashwell’s techniques are all about rest, recovery, and the avoidance of injury.

  • Deadlift (2x bodyweight)– 8 reps 
  • Incline Press With Pronation (1/2 bodyweight each hand) — 10 reps 
  • Dip Bar Straight Leg Raises — 15 reps 
  • Weighted Dips (8 kilograms weighted vest) –12 reps

George detailed Tom’s workout circuit to Men’s Journal.

Recovery is key

As a physical therapist, George Ashwell is all about mobility movements and therapy after the workout, dedicating 30 minutes to recovery after each workout.

Tom’s trainer said, “The script that we were handed had a pretty big shirtless scene. So we wanted to make sure that he looked his very best for that.” 

Tom gained 14 pounds of muscles without fat when he joined the Marvel Comics Universe.

As for Tom’s diet, lean protein and complex carbs were on the menu.

Tom Holland’s diet and workout bottom line

Overall, Tom’s diet seemed healthy and reasonable.

  • lean protein and complex carbs
  • weight training and lots of recovery
  • eating clean without processed food