Tom Brady Diet and Workout

Tom Brady Diet and Workout





The Tom Brady diet and workout routine represent champion energy, so its no surprise we got a ton of requests about the football player.

The New England Patriots alum has a diet made for a champion and a workout to match.

Wanna know his secret?

Here’s the skinny on the Tom Brady diet and workout routine.

Tom Brady Diet

The Tom Brady diet is a Super Bowl winning diet, although we make no promises.

Brady made his diet available for the masses with books and a website.

According the Healthline, Brady follows the TB12 Method. Tom Brady released the TB12 method in 2017, and released a revised and updated 2020 TB12 method.  

He follows TB12 Diet

Tom Brady follows his own diet — the TB12 diet.

The essence of the TB12 Diet lies in the foundational principle of alkalizing the body.

In practical terms, the diet encourages the consumption of alkaline-forming foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and certain grains, while minimizing acidic foods, including processed items and certain animal products.

He follows eats alkaline diet

Part of the TB12 diet involves alkaline eating.

This nutritional philosophy revolves around achieving an optimal 80/20 ratio of alkaline to acidic foods.

The emphasis on alkalinity is believed to promote a balanced internal environment, fostering improved energy levels, reduced inflammation, and overall enhanced well-being.

The Gisele Bundchen diet is also an alkaline diet.

He practices nutrient timing

Central to the TB12 Diet is the concept of “nutrient timing,” which involves eating specific types of foods at designated times to support energy levels and recovery.

The diet also places importance on staying hydrated and incorporating electrolyte-rich drinks.

He drinks high-protein drinks

Tom Brady has TB12 Vegan Protein powder which he sells.

*Remember, if you do purchase TB12 Vegan Protein powder and use our link, Savannah and I might get a small portion.*

As for Tom, protein plays a big role in his day from the start.

What does Tom Brady eat for breakfast?

For breakfast and according to the TB12 Method website, Tom Brady has 20 ounces of water and a high calorie, high-fat, high-protein smoothie for breakfast.

Then he’s ready to workout.

He avoids nightshades

Tom Brady avoids nightshades, a type of vegetable that some believe causes inflammation.

Avoiding nightshades is a key aspect of various dietary approaches, including the TB12 Diet. Nightshades are a family of plants that includes tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and potatoes.

According to, Brady’s personal chef, Allen Campbell, decides what Tom Brady can and cannot eat.

In the TB12 Diet, Brady’s chef reveals he feels nightshades cause inflammation.

He practices intermittent fasting

Tom Brady practices intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating as some call it.

Intermittent fasting has scientific basis, although a doctor is always the person to consult for dietary advice.

Tom Brady Workout Routine

Complementing his diet, Tom Brady is renowned for his disciplined workout routine. Brady’s workout blend strength training, flexibility exercises, and high-intensity interval workouts.

Let’s get the skinny!

According to the TB12 site, form matters!

With that in mind…

Good form is important

When it comes to working out, it all starts with good form! Just ask Tom Brady, who dished the information on his website.

Tom revealed, “You should always start in a biomechanically neutral position—knees over feet, hips over knees, shoulders over hips, a firm core—because if you’re not in proper alignment, you’re conditioning your body to be out of balance.”

Good form is where it begins.

Tom Brady’s high-intense favorite workout

Here are Tom Brady’s workout moves, including the nine he does and how he does them.

1. Standing Row

Designed to enhance upper body explosiveness while maintaining lower body stability, the standing row is executed using handle looped bands anchored chest high. Emphasizing a tight core, glutes, and elbows close to the body, this exercise is a cornerstone of Tom Brady’s workout routine.

2. Banded Push-up

A functional strength and conditioning exercise, the banded push-up involves looping a band behind the back under the armpits. By holding both loop ends under the palms in a push-up position, this workout engages the abs and glutes, contributing to overall functional strength.

3. Banded Core Rotations

Crucial for generating ground force and torque, banded core rotations play a key role in Brady’s training. With an athletic stance and engaged core, this exercise involves pulling a band across the chest while rotating the torso, contributing to the quarterback’s throwing velocity.

4. Deadlift

Reaping the benefits of a deadlift without the weight overload, Brady incorporates deadlifts with bands. By placing both feet over a band and pulling up with the bands while maintaining a flat back, this exercise provides a full-body workout with adjustable resistance.

5. Bicep Curl

Using a band on the floor and standing with feet shoulder-width apart, the bicep curl engages the core and glutes. This exercise, performed without swaying, strengthens the biceps and promotes stability.

6. Banded Tricep Extension

Executing tricep extensions with a band on the floor and feet shoulder-width apart, Brady focuses on engaging the core and glutes. This overhead movement targets the triceps, contributing to overall arm strength.

7. Deceleration Lunges

Adding a challenge to a common movement, deceleration lunges with resistance bands are integral to Brady’s routine. By looping a long band around the waist and stepping backward, this exercise enhances stability and strength during stepping movements.

8. Banded Shoulder Press

Stepping on a band with both feet and pulling it up to shoulder height, Brady performs banded shoulder presses. Engaging the core and glutes, this exercise is a functional strength and conditioning movement that targets the shoulders.

9. X Band Squat

Closing the repertoire, the X band squat involves stepping on a band and creating an ‘X’ shape. This functional strength and conditioning exercise engage the core and glutes while performing squats, contributing to overall lower body strength and stability in Brady’s workout routine.

He stays flexible

Staying flexible and good form go together and Tom Brady practices both.

Check out the athlete in action as he throws balls with effortless ease.

Tom Brady Diet and Workout Bottom Line

Tom Brady’s diet and workout routine have become synonymous with peak athletic performance and longevity in his illustrious career.

The TB12 Method, co-created by Brady and his trainer Alex Guerrero, encompasses a holistic approach to nutrition and fitness. Brady follows a plant-based, alkaline-focused diet, emphasizing organic and whole foods while avoiding processed items, dairy, and nightshade vegetables.

This dietary philosophy, rooted in an 80/20 alkaline to acidic food ratio, aims to reduce inflammation and support optimal health.

The combination of the TB12 diet and workout regimen reflects Brady’s commitment to longevity in the NFL and serves as an influential model for those seeking a holistic approach to athletic excellence and overall well-being.