Tag: Diets

  • What is the Mediterranean Diet?

    What is the Mediterranean Diet?

    Today, we’re giving the skinny about the Mediterranean diet, including what is the Mediterranean diet, where did it come from, and what can you eat on the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet has gained widespread recognition for its numerous health benefits and delicious culinary traditions. Originating from the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, this dietary…

  • The Carnivore Diet: Everything you need to know

    The Carnivore Diet: Everything you need to know

    We already wrote about the plant paradox diet, so now it’s time to go in the other direction with the carnivore diet, a potential weight loss program. Do you have questions about the carnivore diet? We’ve got answers! What is the Carnivore diet? Dubbed as the carnivore diet, this lifestyle’s is all about eating meat…

  • What Is The Paleo Diet and Celebs Who Love It (Allegedly)

    What Is The Paleo Diet and Celebs Who Love It (Allegedly)

    Just like fashion, diet fads come and go, and with the re-emergence of the Paleo Diet, people are returning to the dawn of civilization. What is the paleo diet and who is trying it? Celebs like things like taking advantage of swanky equinox membership cost expenses and trying new diets. The Paleo Diet, also known…

  • plant paradox diet: Everything you need to know

    plant paradox diet: Everything you need to know

    The Plant Paradox Diet is trending on Google and we know why. Kelly Clarkson’s weight loss helped draw attention to Plant Paradox diet and the rules are simple. We’ve got the skinny on the Plant Paradox diet, do you want to know the secret? Here’s a hint — you may have heard of the lectin-free…