Selling Sunset Diets

Selling Sunset Diets





Chrishell Stause Heather Rae Young Christine Quinn
Chrishell Stause / Instagram

If you’ve ever found yourself captivated by the luxurious world of high-end real estate and drama on the hit show “Selling Sunset,” you might also wonder how its stunning stars maintain their enviable physiques. 

Do you want to know the ladies’ biggest secret?

And, if you haven’t heard of Selling Sunset, the show has topped Netflix movies and series lists. Such lists include the best movies on Netflix and the best series on the platform.

As for Selling Sunset, the Netflix original series has captivated with good reason.

From Chrishell Stause’s radiant energy to Mary Fitzgerald’s ageless beauty, Heather Rae Young’s sculpted figure, and Christine Quinn’s glamorous style, the Selling Sunset stars have more than just selling properties on their agenda — they also prioritize their fitness. 

And you won’t see any Ozempic for weight loss involved in the Selling Sunset ladies’ diets!

Here’s the skinny as we delve into the exciting world of these leading ladies and uncover their secrets to staying in shape!

And, as a bonus — we’re giving you a special Selling Sunset workout, from one of the show’s favorites, including how to get slim legs.

Mary Fitzgerald: Balanced Exercise Routine and Mindful Eating

Mary Fitzgerald
Mary Fitzgerald / Instagram

Mary Fitzgerald is the timeless beauty of Selling Sunset. She starts her day to the fullest with fasted cardio and a morning workout.

The real estate mogul emphasizes balance in her fitness routine and dished her daily routine to Us Weekly

She revealed, “After a cup of joe, I usually head straight into my morning workout. I typically use my exercise bike, but sometimes I enjoy lifting weights.”

As for specifics, Mary focuses on strength training exercises, such as weightlifting and resistance training, to sculpt her physique and maintain muscle tone. Mary practices mindful eating, opting for a balanced diet, including lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. 

The Selling Sunset star indulges in moderation, allowing herself occasional treats to satisfy her cravings while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Heather Rae El Moussa: Dedicated to Strength Training and Yoga

Heather Rae Young
Heather Rae Young / Instagram

Heather Rae Young revealed her workout secrets, detailing her fitness passion, and crediting hot yoga

Heather combines weightlifting exercises with resistance bands and bodyweight movements on top of her yoga practice.

Heather caught up with Hello before her wedding to Tarek El Moussa. At the time, Heather did hot yoga two to three times a week. She touted the mental health benefits, and physical transformation attributed to yoga.

She told Hello in 2020 about her active lifestyle, sharing the functional nature of her workout routine.

The reality star added, “And when we leave, I just feel like my mind is clear and just happier. I am obsessed with it.”

She also told the publication about her four-mile runs, which she does twice a week. 

Christine Quinn: Public Workouts, Self-care Investments, and a Mind-Body Connection

Christine Quinn diet
Christine Quinn / Instagram

Christine Quinn is the queen of glamour and elegance, and she never fails to make an entrance. To stay in shape, Christine embraces intense workouts that challenge her physically and mentally, like yacht yoga!

She incorporates activities like kickboxing, high-intensity interval training, and circuit training into her fitness routine, pushing herself to new heights. 

Beyond physical exercise, Christine also emphasizes the mind-body connection, engaging in mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga to cultivate inner strength and focus.

The Selling Sunset star went into selfie mode before an em sculpting session, touting the benefits.

EMSCULPT is a revolutionary non-invasive body sculpting treatment that has gained significant popularity in recent years. Using high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology, EMSCULPT stimulates muscle contractions in targeted areas, such as the abdomen, buttocks, arms, or legs

The Emsculpt cost is quite pricy, at upwards of $2,000 per session. But a quick look at Christine Quinn shows the device is definitely worth the investment.

Chrishell Stause: Mix It Up and Keep Life Interesting

Chrishell Stause
Chrishell Stause / Instagram

When it comes to staying fit, Chrishell Stause combines a mix of energizing workouts and dance to keep herself in tip-top shape. 

She engages in high-intensity interval training (HIIT), incorporating exercises like cardio, bodyweight circuits, and strength training. 

Chrishell also embraces Pilates as an effective way to stay active. Whether it’s a Pilates class or a home session, she believes in the power of movement to keep her body and mind energized.

Chriselle’s personal trainer (or PT) and the founder of Power 8 fitness studio told Women’s Health about her workout routine.

Ocho revealed, “A week of workouts for Chrishell can vary” attributing to her heavy schedule. 

The mogul’s trainer added, “HIIT training is one of the most efficient ways she can build muscle and burn fat at the same time.”

Cosmopolitan reported, “She practices Pilates once or twice a week to lengthen, stretch, and recover.”

Selling Sunset Diets and Workout Secrets

The glamorous stars of Selling Sunset—Chrishell Stause, Mary Fitzgerald, Heather Rae Young, and Christine Quinn—prove that maintaining a fit and fabulous physique goes hand in hand with their demanding careers. 

Through a combination of energizing workouts, strength training, dance, mindful eating, yoga, and a fierce dedication to their well-being, these leading ladies set a stellar example for fans worldwide.

 So, whether you’re looking to revamp your fitness routine or find inspiration for a healthier lifestyle, take a page from the Selling Sunset stars’ book and embark on your journey to shine inside and out!