Mindy Kaling Weight Loss Diet and Workout

Mindy Kaling Weight Loss Diet and Workout




Everyone is talking about the Mindy Kaling weight loss. Our inboxes were flooded with questions about The Office alum’s diet and workout.

Wanna know the Mindy Kaling weight loss secret?

Is it creatine or protein that has Mindy feeling her best?

We’ve got the skinny on the Maybelline face’s diet and workout secrets.

Mindy Kaling Weight Loss Diet

Mindy Kaling recently teamed up with Andie Swim for a second collab called Mindy x Andie Summer Camp.

For that reason, she’s been in swimsuits and bikinis and people have wanted to know her diet secrets.

In the past, she might have relied on fad diets or restrictive measures.

But recently, Kaling has embraced a new approach: moderation

She’s Practices Moderation

Kaling has reportedly grasped the importance of portion control.

Even her favorite treats can be enjoyed in moderation.

Perhaps it’s sharing a dessert or opting for a smaller serving size.

The Propel Fitness Water face told PEOPLE Magazine she had practiced moderation as part of her lifestyle change.

She Focuses on Feeling Great

Ultimately, Kaling’s fitness philosophy boils down to feeling good.

Mindy Kaling is all about her health and the feeling eating well gives her.

She prioritizes activities that leave her feeling energized and strong, rather than just focusing on burning calories.

She’s Over Talking About Her Body

Mindy Kaling is no longer interested in talking about her physique, according to the actress herself.

The NBC star told Allure, “It’s not super exciting for me to talk about my body and how it’s analyzed.”

Not exciting to Mindy, but others may find inspiration in her weight loss and health journey.

Now, let’s get the skinny on Mindy Kaling’s workout habits.

Mindy Kaling Workout

Mindy Kaling is known for her wit, her work ethic, and now, her dedication to fitness! 

The actress and creator has recently opened up about her journey to a healthier lifestyle, and it’s all about consistency, enjoyment, and a surprising amount of mileage.

Let’s get the skinny.

She Does 20 Miles (Per Week!)

Mindy isn’t afraid to put in the work. 

She revealed that she clocks in a whopping 20 miles each week, either running or hiking. 

Mindy told PEOPLE in 2023, “I just tell myself I have to do basically 20 miles a week of either hiking or running. And so that’s been incredibly helpful to me.”

That’s some serious dedication, and it shows in her energy and confidence.

She Makes Time For Strength Training

Mindy doesn’t just focus on cardio. She also incorporates weight training with a trainer into her routine. 

This helps build muscle, which boosts metabolism and keeps her body strong.

She Changed Her Mindset

Losing weight was all about changing Mindy Kaling’s mindset around fitness.

Mindy told PEOPLE about losing weight in 2022, “For me, healthy is working out, moving my body a lot, keeping hydrated, and then not having negative connotations around working out.”

A mindset change saw Mindy appreciate working out instead of seeing it as torture.

Mindy Kaling Diet and Workout Bottom Line

Overall, the Mindy Kaling diet and workout was a fun research.

Mindy’s diet is all about moderation and making good choices.

As for Mindy’s workouts, she makes sure to get those in as well, even as a working mom.

Mindy doesn’t want to talk about the weight loss any longer, according to Allure, but she remains an inspiration for millions.