Brooke Burke Diet and Workout

Brooke Burke Diet and Workout



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Brooke Burke bikini selfie
Photo: Brooke Burke / Instagram

Brooke Burke is a Dancing with the Stars winner and the Brooke Burke diet was a must.

Wanna know her secrets?

She’s an inspiration for those who wish to age like a fine wine. Brooke became a Skechers model and she also launched a plant-based superfood supplement line, Longevity.

But you won’t see Brooke trying Ozempic for weight loss.

The 52-year-old knows what it takes to get and stay in shape. She also loves to share her knowledge with the masses.

So, what is the secret to Brooke Burke’s diet and fitness routine? 

Brooke Burke Diet

Well, similar to Kelly Ripa’s workout secrets, Brooke works out a ton and doesn’t eat breakfast!

Here’s all you need to know about Brooke Burke’s diet.

She does intermittent fasting

Brooke Burke’s secret to a slim figure is her intermittent fasting. This means she doesn’t eat for many hours, narrowing her meals to a short period.

Brooke told HollywoodLife, “I’ll wake up and do coffee or a black tea. Sometimes I do bulletproof coffee, where I’ll put in the butter and the heavy cream, which I think is really good. We need fat, it’s all the things that we were trained not to do that really feed our brain and our skin, our hair.”

As you will see again, Brooke is a big proponent of fat consumption — healthy fat, of course.

Instead, Brooke has something that won’t spike her glucose, choosing coffee or tea in the morning.

She allows herself to indulge

Brooke isn’t scared of a cheat day. In fact, she embraces the idea!

Like Margot Robbie’s Diet and Fitness, Brooke indulges.

The fitness model enjoys desserts or pizzas on occasion but ensures that it stays within limits and doesn’t over-indulge.

Brooke Burke spoke with Forbes about her dieting tips. 

Brooke told the publication, “At home, a cheat day for me would be red wine and pizza with olive oil, olives, and jalapeños.” 

She added, “But I [also] enjoy decadent meals every once in a while and I don’t beat myself up over it.”


She loves healthy fats

When it comes to fat, Brooke love consuming it.

Not all fats, of course.

Brooke makes sure to choose the good stuff.

Brooke told HollywoodLife, “After I finish my workout I usually have a really good shake that’s full of everything I need from almond milk to good collagen protein.”

She continued, sharing specifics about her post-workout drink. 

Brooke added, “It will probably have some MCT oil in there, some dates, some macca energy, pretty much all the good stuff and that sustains me for a while.”


She avoids processed foods and saturated fats

As Brooke explained, her diet is similar to the Mediterranean diet, named after the region where olives, grapes, and olive oil reigns supreme.

Brooke Burke bikini
Photo: Brooke Burke / Instagram

She said, “I try to eat something similar to a Mediterranean diet—lean meat, fish, crunchy vegetables, olive oil, and green tea. Avoiding starches, flour, processed foods, and saturated fats.”

Whole ingredients, healthy fats, and pure snacks are on the menu.

She listens to her body

Although consistently exercising is essential, Brooke Burke also understands the importance of giving her body the rest it needs. 

Photo: Brooke Burke / Instagram

Listening to your body and taking time off when necessary helps prevent injuries and burnout.

This has been a game changer for Brooke who is totally thriving.

Brooke Burke Diet and Fitness Bottom Line

Brooke Burke’s diet is filled with nuggets of wisdom that could be useful in creating a healthy lifestyle.

The Body by Brooke Burke founder has made a life out of staying in amazing shape.

Brooke’s biggest weight loss secrets and diet tips involve intermittent fasting and eating healthy fats. 

She allows a pre-determined time period to pass before consuming calories, allowing total detoxification. 

As for working out, Brooke never deprives herself and maintains a consistent exercise routine.