Brie Larson Diet and Workout

Brie Larson Diet and Workout




Brie Larson has wowed audiences with her powerful performances and strong physique in Captain Marvel so the Brie Larson diet and workout was a huge request.

Do you want to know how many times Brie Larson eats in a day?

The answer might surprise you!

Fans and fitness enthusiasts alike have asked about the secret behind her impressive physique.

Specifically, the diet and workout routine that helped her become the superhero we all admire. 

You won’t see Brie taking Ozempic for weight loss

And as you will learn, Brie’s workout secrets are a lifestyle, not a diet.

Let’s dive into Brie Larson’s journey to maintain peak physical health while balancing her thriving acting career.

Brie Larson Diet

To achieve superhero-level fitness for Captain Marvel, Brie Larson needed not only intensive workouts and a well-curated diet plan that would fuel her body with the necessary nutrients for optimal performance. 

What does Brie do when not co-starring with the likes of Samuel L Jackson?

Known for her incredible talent, dedication, and ability to immerse herself in her characters, Larson’s transformation into these demanding roles is nothing short of astounding. 

Like Marvel actress Zoe Saldana diet, Brie has a slender frame. But Brie goes harder in the gym!

Brie is a little bit more hardcore than fellow comic book queen Margot Robbie’s diet.

She snagged celebrity nutritionist, Dr. Philip Goglia, relying on his expertise to design a meal plan to complement her workout routine.

She packs on the high-protein intake

Protein is necessary for building muscles, and Brie knows this well.

As with many athletes and those undergoing rigorous training programs, a high-protein diet is essential for muscle recovery and growth. 

Foods rich in protein such as eggs, lean meats (chicken and turkey), fish (salmon and tuna), and plant-based options (tofu, legumes) are staples in Brie Larson’s diet.

She enjoys complex carbohydrates

Brie’s trainer encouraged her to pack on the carbs. 

But not all carbs are created equal.

In addition to protein, complex carbohydrates are crucial in providing sustained energy for intense workouts. 

Options such as brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, oats, and whole wheat pasta were part of Larson’s daily meals.

What does Brie Larson eat for breakfast?

For breakfast, Brie eats 1 teaspoon of almond butter with 1 teaspoon of jam or preserves.

After Brie works out, she has two post-workout snack options.

  1. Protein shake with 1 scoop of Fitness Concepts whey, 1 portion of fruit, 1 tbsp. of almond butter, water, and ice,
  2. Two whole eggs with one portion of fruit and one vegetable.

What does Brie Larson eat for lunch?

For lunch, Brie chows down on chicken. According to Dr. Goglia, poultry, a low-fat meat, is best enjoyed at lunch.

What does Brie Larson eat for dinner?

For dinner, Brie chows down on fish. According to Dr. Goglia, fish, a dish high in Omega 3, is best enjoyed at dinner, because it promotes REM sleep.

He explained, “The purpose of the fish and their omegas is to promote the reduction of inflammation and a deep REM sleep.”

She eats healthy fats

Contrary to common belief, not all fats are detrimental to your health. 

Incorporating healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil boosts heart health while keeping hunger satiated during long training sessions.

Dr. Goglia told PEOPLE“The most recent science has shown that a little bit of fat and a little bit of simple sugar will actually increase intensity rate while you train early in the morning”

He added, “and allow you to still continue to train and burn fat.”

She stays hydrated

For optimal bodily function, staying hydrated is essential. 

Nobody knows this better than Brie!

Drinking plenty of water helps maintain healthy digestion and remove waste from the body. Brie Larson follows this guideline by keeping a water bottle with her to ensure she drinks enough water throughout the day.

Dr. Goglia advised, “I think water ought to be a prescriptive thing – it’s just that important.”

Now let’s get the skinny about Brie Larson’s workout routine.

Brie Larson Workout Routine

Brie Larson’s fitness routine, overseen by personal trainer Jason Walsh, is a comprehensive approach to maximizing her physical capacities. 

First, Brie had to go into a deficit, burn fat, and achieve the optimal level of body fat.

Brie’s trainer told Pop Sugar, “It didn’t take us too long to get her where we wanted her body composition.”

She does functional strength training

To build power in her muscles, Brie incorporates functional strength exercises such as deadlifts, squats, and lunges alongside progressively heavier weights.

Check out the movie star in action! She is truly impressive.

She does upper-body workouts

Sculpting an impressive upper body requires a mix of push and pull exercises. 

Diligent practice of movements like pull-ups, push-ups, presses, and rows formed a significant portion of Brie Larson’s workout routine.

Have you ever seen a one-armed pullup? Brie does them with ease!

She does core work

Strong core muscles enhance overall athletic ability and aid in injury prevention. 

Brie’s core workout includes planks, Russian twists, and other targeted exercises to strengthen abdominal and lower back muscles.

She trains at least four times a week

After she got her body fat percentage to the appropriate level, it was time for the loading phase.

brie larson workout

To prepare for Avengers: Endgame, Jason, and Brie trained four times a week for 90 minutes. This allowed Brie to build muscle and strength over time without getting fatigued.

Walsh told Pop Sugar“She did a lot of fight training and choreography.” 

Brie Larson’s Diet and Workout Bottom Line

The Brie Larson diet and workout routine, especially for Captain Marvel, involves slow gains and cutting body fat. 

Brie’s diet is disciplined, protein-packed, and full of nutrients. The proof is in the pudding!

She stretches to avoid injury and maintains a consistent regime, with functional and flexible muscles.

Brie is an inspiration as she continues on her fitness journey as a powerful woman and gym enthusiast.