Brad Pitt Diet and Workout

Brad Pitt Diet and Workout





The Brad Pitt diet and workout causes a lot of commotion and that’s no surprise because the Troy star is one of the biggest actors ever.

Wanna know Brad’s secret?

The ex of Angelina Jolie has many of them.

Brad Pitt Diet

Brad Pitt is ageless at age 60, but what its the diet that allows him to look this way?

Brad Pitt’s portrayal of Tyler Durden in “Fight Club” remains a pop-culture icon. 

That physique wasn’t just about looking good; it screamed raw strength and conditioning. 

A key element? 

A strategic focus on protein, alongside his well-documented journey to sobriety.

He Doesn’t Drink

According to GQ, Brad Pitt doesn’t drink alcohol, and he became a better man for going alcohol-free.

Brad became sober, after an alleged incident on a private plane with his son Maddox Jolie-Pitt.

The actor revealed, “I’m really, really happy to be done with all of that. I mean I stopped everything except boozing when I started my family. But even this last year, you know—things I wasn’t dealing with. I was boozing too much. It’s just become a problem.

There are so many benefits to becoming sober and we applaud Brad for his efforts.

He Eats Clean

The core of the Brad Pitt diet is clean eating. 

This means prioritizing whole, unprocessed foods like lean protein sources (chicken, fish), complex carbs (brown rice, whole-grain pasta), and plenty of vegetables. 

Think of it as a colorful plate packed with nutrients.

Brad Pitt Fight Club Diet

What did Brad Pitt eat to fill Fight Club, where he arguably had the best body of all time?

We’ve got you covered!

But first, here are some Fight Club stats we loved.

During filming of Fight Club, Pitt weighed around 70 kilograms or 150 pounds.

Additionally, Pitt got a body fat percentage of just 6 percent for the roleBrad Pitt’s height is 5′ 11″, so that’s a big deal!

It’s important to remember that this is just a glimpse, not a guaranteed blueprint. Brad Pitt likely had a team of professionals designing his diet for a specific role with a specific timeframe. 

Here’s what reports suggest his days might have included:

  • Breakfast: Eggs (with a mix of yolks and whites) and oatmeal with raisins. Sometimes, a protein shake for busy mornings.
  • Lunch: Double serving of chicken breast with brown rice or pasta, and a side of green vegetables.
  • Dinner: Similar to lunch, with grilled fish as an option. Salads were also a regular feature.
  • Snack: Casein protein shake or low-fat cottage cheese for sustained protein intake.


This restrictive approach may not be realistic or sustainable for everyone in the long term.

Before making drastic changes to your diet, talk to a doctor or licensed dietician to ensure it aligns with your individual needs and health goals.

Brad Pitt Workout Routine

brad pitt and leonardo dicaprio selfie

Brad Pitt’s physique in “Fight Club” wasn’t just about looking good on screen; it screamed raw strength and endurance.

So, how did he achieve that enviable physique? 

Here’s a breakdown of the rumored “Fight Club” workout, with some important considerations:

Brad Pitt’s Fight Club Workout:

Frequency: Intensive training likely happened 5-6 days a week.

Focus: The split focused on a single muscle group each day, with higher reps (15) and lower sets (3)

Sample Split (This is one version reported):

Monday: Chest (push-ups, incline dumbbell press)

Tuesday: Back (pull-ups, rows)

Wednesday: Shoulders (military press, lateral raises)

Thursday: Legs (squats, lunges)

Friday: Cardio (treadmill, jump rope)

He Commits To Strength

For the film Troy, Brad Pitt had to get in incredible shape aiming to achieve a physique that resembles a Greek demigod. 

Personal trainer Duffy Gaver told Esquire about Brad’s workouts which showed he could commit

The key takeaways are the importance of proper form and gradually increasing the difficulty (progressive overload) to see results. It also discourages overtraining and emphasizes maintaining a healthy diet alongside the exercise routine. 

The workout itself focused on building back muscles as a foundation.

Brad Pitt Diet and Workout Bottom Line

The core principles of the Brad Pitt diet are clean eating, portion control, and adequate protein.

The are solid foundations for a healthy lifestyle. 

Tailor it to your preferences and needs, and remember, consistency is key.

Brad Pitt’s physique in Troy wasn’t just for show; it embodied raw strength and endurance. 

But how did he achieve that enviable look?

Now you’ve got the skinny.


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